Thursday, May 16, 2019

Postcard Swap

 Contact for the Spring Postcard Swap. Deadline: May 26th.

I found hanna on You Tube, and was delighted that I had time to participate in her spring swap.

Months ago I started making postcards. It was a project that I could work on in the wee hours of the morning when I'm wide awake.

I used 140 cold pressed watercolor paper. The "frames" around the edge of each card are collages of prints and magazine pages.  This is the way Teesha Moore starts her journal pages. It's an easy way to set a color pallet. Then I put down a layer of free form watercolor. This gave me a great base to make my compositions.

4"x6" cold pressed watercolor postcards

Just add watercolor

1 comment:

  1. Your postcards looks fun, thanks for joining! I just sent out the addresses, hope you got them.

    Take care,


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