Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Art Biz

I must mention again the wonderful newsletter from Alyson Stanfield at http://www.artbizcoach.com ( see post for 12/18/09). Alyson gives out the best "how to"advice to help artists self promote. Let's face it, creating art is a lonely endeavor:
no one is in the studio with you urging you on,
no one is there patting you on the back saying,"great job",
no one is there to tell you what subject to paint, what color to choose, or how to arrange the composition.
No! We as artists must work that out all by ourselves. Then what to do with the finished piece? Does anyone care? Would anyone buy it?
This is where Alyson can help. Her words of wisdom and step-by-step plans on how to get the art you made "out there" where the world can discover it, are helpful and encouraging.
Try the art biz site; I think you'll like it!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much, Alex! I am happy to hear that my newsletter has been helpful.


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