Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Just a brief word to clarify the Wordless Wednesday post of June 16: No, this is not my art work. It is a student piece from the Art Jubilee show at OPSU. I am amazed at the creativity these high school students show. I was snapping away at everything that I thought would photograph well. I like the idea of extending the photo onto the mat, and the foreshortening; it was a piece that grabbed my attention!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Art Biz

I must mention again the wonderful newsletter from Alyson Stanfield at http://www.artbizcoach.com ( see post for 12/18/09). Alyson gives out the best "how to"advice to help artists self promote. Let's face it, creating art is a lonely endeavor:
no one is in the studio with you urging you on,
no one is there patting you on the back saying,"great job",
no one is there to tell you what subject to paint, what color to choose, or how to arrange the composition.
No! We as artists must work that out all by ourselves. Then what to do with the finished piece? Does anyone care? Would anyone buy it?
This is where Alyson can help. Her words of wisdom and step-by-step plans on how to get the art you made "out there" where the world can discover it, are helpful and encouraging.
Try the art biz site; I think you'll like it!

Monday, June 14, 2010


A Sunday School teacher began her lesson with a question, "Boys and girls, what do you know about God?

A hand shot up in the air. "He's an artist!" said the kindergarten boy.

"Really? How do you know?" the teacher asked.

"You know ~ Our Father, who does art in heaven..."

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sign Saturday

Back to my May trip to Savannah & Charleston. I was expecting lots of history, but there was plenty of art as well. I was torn as to how to spend my time. Do I want to just walk the streets and soak up the historical ambiance, or do I want to visit every gallery I come across?

We had one rainy Tuesday during the trip, so my friend Marilyn & I used that opportunity to see one historic house, several galleries and the shops & restaurants of the riverfront.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Kristy Patterson

Kristy Patterson at work.

Kristy Patterson

Kristy Patterson is an Oklahoma artist with a knack with pastels. Oh, she does other media as well, but her pastels are so vibrant that they really grab your attention. You can read all about Kristy & her art, particularly her recent success at the Sunflower Festival, at her blog, http://flyingshoesartstudio.blogspot.com.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I must add another wonderful thing about the POGO prints: when you peel off the paper backing they will stick about anywhere!

Monday, June 7, 2010


Alleluia! I got the POGO printer to produce prints; amazing prints!

I first heard of POGO on the web site of Opie & Linda O'Brien www.burntofferings.com when Linda mentioned the Opie never left home without his POGO.

POGO is a Polaroid product, and I decided I must have one! So it was my Christmas gift to myself. Then came to challenge of getting it to work. Even after several calls to the company, still nothing. This evening I was determined to try again. I plugged everything in, and everything popped up on the screen just as it was suppose to and I was in business. Maybe it was the classical music playing in the background?!

I said amazing prints, not perfect prints. But considering the size (2"x 3") they are great, and what potential for my mixed media work.

Oh, the fun I will have with my POGO.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Sign Saturday

Back to my May trip to Savannah/Charleston; I will be posting art news about that trip on & off for weeks to come.

This sign greeted us at our hotel. Yes art was everywhere in the hotel. It lined the halls and filled a gallery. Galleries were abundant in the historic district of Savannah. Commercial galleries dominated by national artists, private galleries featuring the art of one artist, and co-op galleries in which a group of artists split up the space, the rent and the hours worked. More art was available than could ever be seen in a few days.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Sunflower Festival

Sunflower Festival

I was one of the fortunate artists to be asked to do a street banner for the annual Sunflower Festival. Here are pics of the evolution of the banner ( the pics came up out of order, but you get the idea). The challenge as I saw it was: what will show up from street level? I do tend toward reducing an image down to basic elements, and so these are my stylized sunflowers.
You can see my banner hanging at 4th & Main in Guymon, OK.