Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Really Sad

I was visiting with " Tony" recently, who works at a gallery that I frequent, and she shared her sad art tale with me. When she was in art class in Jr. High an art teacher was critical of her work and told her she wasn't the least bit creative. Shame, shame on that teacher! Art is objective. That teacher did not have the right to judge the art of any of her students by her own likes or dislikes; her job was to grade on how well they followed the assignment. Her job was also to encourage. Sounds like this teacher was laking in artistic bedside manner. She was probably insecure with her own art work, and countered it by finding fault with the art of others. "Tony" is not the first person I've met whose creative pursuits suffered because of a critical art teacher. Thank goodness there are many, many good art teachers; encouraging, educating, inspiring, talented students to pursue their passion for art.

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