Friday, December 18, 2009

Art Biz

It was fellow artist Shirley S. who turned me on to Art Biz back in '06. Author Alyson Stanfield sends a weekly email newsletter to encourage artists to promote themselves. Alyson always has some timely advice but this week she sent a inventory list of yearly accomplishments. I was really encouraged that I had actually accomplished several things on the list, like: How did you promote your art? Answer: Two art shows in two states. How did you enhance your online presence? Answer: Creating this blog. What workshops did you attend? Answer: Jerry Varnell & Pat Dews. She lists about 20 questions to ask yourself and record the answers in your journal so that in 2010 you have a record of where you need to concentrate your artistic efforts. Thanks Alyson for providing the push to keep us artists motivated.

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