Lora Reynolds
How do you like your art?
Do you like big images?
Do you like bold colors?
Do you like unusual media?
Then check out Jeremy Arnold's exhibit at the Price Tower. He has filled the space with big canvases of cowboys, buffalo & skulls. And along with plain old acrylic paint he uses spray paint & crude oil.
This fun exhibit "Roaming Bones" is up through August 22.
"Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places, where other people see nothing." Camille Pissarro
Artist, Faith Ringgold was featured on CBS Sunday Morning a couple of weeks ago. I first discovered her work in the 1990's, and was immediately jealous. Why? Because she was combining two of my favorite art forms: painting & quilting. She paints the canvas with acrylics and then quilts it, and then adds words. She calls her work Story Quilts. She is still working in her 90's.