Sunday, November 24, 2019

Another Barn Quilt

I was busy as a bee painting another Barn Quilt with teacher Cindy Oard at It's a Girl Thing.

I found this church quilt block on line, and Cindy had the pattern all ready for me when I arrived.
I painted my first 2 Barn Quilts is bright colors with strong contrast. This time I used a more monochromatic color scheme.
The next time you see my Barn Quilts they should all be hanging in the carport.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Color of the Week

The color of the week is Tomato, Tomato, Tomato, Tomato.

What color is a tomato?

As you can see, these tomatoes from my plant are happily ripening on my kitchen counter; changing color day by day.