Monday, May 30, 2011

Quote of the Week

"Day after day, never fail to draw something which, however little it may be, will yet in the end be much, and do thy best." Cennino Cennini c. 1390

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sacred Sunday

The place: New Orleans

The reason: Women in ministry conference

When: March 2011

Workshop: expressing ourselves

A creative workshop in which we expressed a spiritual event in our lives with pens and fabric on fabric. Then the squares were sown together to produce paraments to decorate our "altar" for our final worship service.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Time to announce the up-coming Sunflower Festival in downtown Guymon the first weekend in June. The streets are lined with banners. The one you see here is by artist/art teacher Kristy Patterson. It should fetch a good price during the auction. Kristy is always up to something interesting artistically. Check out her latest work on her blog:

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sacred Sunday

What could be more sacred in the landscape of a Christian based country than a church steeple. I can't name the church, and I'm not even sure of the location: maybe Savannah or Charleston. But the Christian church was established on the east coast of the USA early in the history of the country. The image just grabbed me; I was in the right position at the right time and so I pointed and shot. I like the angle of the steeple and its color against the contrast of the blue of the sky.

Friday, May 20, 2011


Google has landed!


I'll be taking a pilgrimage to England in the fall to the Sarum College in Salisbury. Here is a sample of art work on display now in its gallery. Woman in Blue by Ian Gaskell.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Art Center

This idea was hatched years ago in Tulsa, and considering the cost and the the down turn in the economy, I had my doubts. But things are happening. A ground breaking and kick off next Tuesday. And a great location: in the heart of the Brady District, which is becoming quite an art mecca. How exciting!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Art News

Interested in photography? Here's an event to consider.

Photo Slam
Oklahoma City Art Museum
415 Couch Dr

May 19, 7pm

Twelve selected photographers will have 5 min. to speak and present work.

What a great 60 min. of info. & fun!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Google Dance

You might wonder why I mention Google so often. Well I visit Google everyday and many times someone has come up with a clever artistic way to spell out the name. I'm for art anywhere and logos are a great example of art and design. Maybe I should start a feature on just logos; something to consider.

Today Google is dancing!

Monday, May 9, 2011


Am I suppose to be familiar with all the little cartoon critters who are on Google today?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sacred Sunday

I have really hesitated on starting a feature called Sacred Sunday because I saw a danger that it might become only a display of stained glass windows (and I do have a lot of pics of stained glass). But after some thought I realized that sacred art takes many forms from many different beliefs. So I will do my best to make this a regular and interesting feature.

I found this lady at a flea market a few years ago and had to have her. My son said that he found her unsettling, but I love her. I wonder, did the person who spray painted her plaster body consider her a sacred object? She may not be the Queen of Heaven but she is the queen of my gallery where she sits in the picture window, and blesses the space.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Quote of the Week

"It takes a long time to become young." Picasso

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sister Wendy

Pic from the Encyclopedia Britannia

Anyone remember Sister Wendy ? During the 90's she led us on a grand art tour on PBS. I happened to come accross her book: My Favorite Things, and I am jealous of all the great art that she has experienced. From the National Gallery in London, to the Mauritshuis in the Hauge, to the Prado in Madrid, this lady has made the rounds to share her favorites with us. I actually think the title of the book should be These Are A Few of My Favorite Things, because of all she's seen she must have an ever growing list of favorites.

Can I agree with any of her picks? Yes! The Starry Night by Van Gogh. I saw it in Houston in 2006 when it was on loan from MOMA; what an emotional piece. But that is the only one I have seen with my own eyes. This woman has been to museums that I can one hope to visit.