Friday, February 26, 2010

Art Auction

The annual art auction is coming up on March 5. This popular event raises scholarship funds for art students. Join the OPSU art department, students and guests for a great night of food, entertainment, dancing, and of course ART!

Monday, February 22, 2010


The cruciform:

  • easily adaptable to the law of thirds

  • good arrangement as an abstract start

  • effective way to bring rhythm and balance into a piece

This is a start I did in the Pat Dews workshop. I exercised my individuality by filling in the area around the cruciform with color, leaving the central shape white.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy New Year!

February 14th is Chinese New Year's. This year is the year of the tiger. Eat Moo Goo Gai Pan, and paint stripes and use lots of orange. Your fortune says: Investigate new possibilities in art. Sounds like a plan for a great year!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010


That's art supply junkie! I'm always looking for some new paint, marker, glue, paper, etc to try along with the mixed media techniques that I already use. The latest thing I've discovered is watercolor in stick form.

I'm on the email list for Daniel Smith art supplies out to Seattle, Wa., and I got notice of this product on sale. A new one to me! Immediately ideas started marching through my brain of how I could incorporate them into my work; and maybe using them in my figure drawing class and then applying a wash over the top for some interesting effects, then I could collage shapes around the form and fill in with some acrylic... Oh forgive me, I was having a creative moment!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Question: Does everything that promotes itself as art deserve to be seen?